United Communications Uses Emergency Broadband Benefit Program to Lower the Cost of Broadband Access for Under-Connected Middle Tennesseans
Program helps reduce cost for internet for eligible households
Franklin, Tenn. May 11, 2021 – Never before has there been such a pressing need for Tennesseans to have access to high-speed internet. Due to the pandemic, more people are working remotely, learning virtually or conducting telehealth. However there are a number of consumers who find it difficult to afford the cost of internet even though the need for high-speed connectivity is significant.
To serve this under-connected population, United Communications is taking advantage of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP). Launching May 12, 2021, the program will allow United to deliver qualifying services and devices at discounted rates to eligible households in their service area. This marks yet another important milestone for Project UNITE, United Communications’ initiative to deliver internet connectivity to Middle Tennesseans.
The EBBP is a $3.2 billion federal initiative that will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households. Program participants can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a tablet from United if they contribute more than $10 toward the purchase price, with final contribution amount determined by tablet model.
The program has been authorized by the FCC and internet service providers have the option to participate if they choose – for United, this is another opportunity to assist where we can. Depending on participation levels, the $3.2 billion appropriated by Congress is estimated to run out anywhere within three to five months.
“Not only is United working to bring access to those who are under-connected, but we support and are eager to facilitate government programs lowering the cost of access for services needed in day-to-day work and life. This opportunity is a great benefit to the under-connected and is central to the mission of our Project UNITE initiative,” said William Bradford, President and CEO of United Communications.
To learn more about EBBP and determine if you’re in an eligible household, visit United’s website at www.united.net/ebbp or the FCC’s website at www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit.
About United Communications
United Communications is a leading provider of internet, digital TV, and phone services to enterprise-class businesses and residential customers in Middle Tennessee. United is recognized as a top “Fastest Internet Service Provider” by BroadbandNow and operates approximately 1,200 route miles of fiber covering portions of Williamson, Rutherford, Marshall, Bedford, Franklin, and Davidson counties. United Communications is a subsidiary of Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation. To learn more, please visit united.net.
Contact For United Communications
Dawn Hobbs
Media Contact
Christa Spencer