Are You a Business Customer?
Our clients include local governments, area businesses and enterprise-level companies.
- Google: 4.7 stars
- Top 100 Fiber-To-The-Home Leader
- Smart Rural Community Provider
- BBB Torch Award
- Customer Loyalty Champion
- Broadband Communities Cornerstone Award
- BroadbandNow “Fastest Internet Service Provider”
Local Customer Service, Nationally Awarded
It’s not going out of our way. It is our way.
We live and work in the Middle Tennessee communities we serve, and won’t give our neighbors anything less than fast, friendly, industry-leading customer support.
United Makes Switching Easy
No residential contracts
No data limits
No throttling
No hassle
Don’t believe it?
Get Started
Ready to connect to the best internet service in Middle Tennessee? Check availability and sign up online or book an easy appointment with a local United rep.
Join Team United
We help neighbors run businesses, connect with family and friends, work and study from home, learn and grow. Working at United means being a part of something bigger. Ready to join us?
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We’re working together to bring high-speed Internet to every under-connected home or business in Middle Tennessee.
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A service of Middle Tennessee Electric, United offers the best customer experience, internet speed, and network reliability in Middle Tennessee.
Fiber Internet
- Dedicated, reliable infrastructure that stays up
- Speeds up to 2 Gig
- Unlimited use, no data caps
- Starts at $49.95/mo
Satellite Internet
- Susceptible to weather and other interference
- Speeds up to 500 Mbps
- Speed degraded after 1TB
- Typically starts at $119/mo
Cable Internet
- Widely available, but susceptible to electricity outages
- Speeds up to 1,200 Mbps
- Speeds slow significantly when network traffic is high
- Typically starts at $35/mo